You’ll notice that I’m one shot away from filling in the last “B?. The above picture is one of the fulfilling times when I’ve beat the game. Lets just say that I rarely win at Fleet. You get 32 shots to try and uncover the 4 ships, each of which is a different length ranging from 2 to 5 spaces.

If it’s an “X? you missed, and if it’s an “S?, “D?, “C?, or “B? you’ve hit one of those types of ship. Basically you take a shot at a square on the grid by uncovering it with the marker.
#Invisible ink game series#
In Fleet for example, you have two sections, a graph board with four hidden ships and a series of dots to record the number of shots made on the board. In fact one of the selling points of these books is the fact that you can play all the games by yourself boasting “Hours and Hours of By-Yourself Enjoyment? (which is of course a registered trademark.) Since there are typically at least two of the same game per page you can play “against? a friend, but the greedy little bastard in me wants to keep all the “Enjoyment? to myself.Ībove you can see how a typical game is played. The games can vary, but are pretty much some combination of Hangman, Bingo, Tic Tac Toe, Black Jack, sports games, and my personal favorite Fleet, a knock-off of Battleship you play by yourself. The included pens have been the exact same since they were first manufactured, white markers with orange caps and a slightly yellow “invisible? ink that always seems to be just this side of running out of said ink.

If you’ve never owned one of these booklets, they’re basically just a bunch of various games that you play by using the enclosed pen to reveal hidden information. These invisible ink books are right up there in memory land with golf tee jump-a-peg games and Rubik’s Cube as my pre-Game Boy source of entertainment on trips through most of the 80’s. While walking down the toy isle though, I stumbled upon a cool item that I haven’t seen in years, but was a staple of family vacations and trips up north to visit relatives, the Lee Publications Yes & Know Invisible Ink Game & Quiz Book. I was kind of early going over to a friend’s house the other day, so I decided to drop in on an Eckerd’s and check out their “Halloween Headquarters? fare, which was pretty darn dismal to say the least.